Wednesday, September 2, 2009

mmm...every picture tells a story

Well...Peta asked me to post so here it is... i let this unfold naturally, i had no idea where i was going, just let it present itself to me. in the waiting i realise i collect stories and images. stories evolve into images and images evolve into stories. i love serendipitus synchronicity too! i have been working with gifted National Geographics, from the 70's - mid 80's, for a year now and am still lost in their stories and images, hence the cover images. I am also very in to Joseph Campbell's myth work. Hope you enjoy it...


  1. ohhh have indeed provided me with a sneak peek, but i don't seem to be able to open the page!!! i shall have to wait with patience to see inside :-)

  2. Mmmh! Donna your page seems to be keeping its secret! Looking forward to pulling back its curtain of mystery when Peta's book comes my way.

    Cheers Tamara

  3. aghhh....we'll all have to see the books completed now
